In 2019, funding priorities were food security and rural development, strengthening civil society, education, civil peacebuilding and environmental protection. Each project is evaluated and reviewed during and after its implementation. In addition to cost structure and effectiveness, we always check the degree to which the targets set have been achieved.
Every donation causes administrative costs, so individual donations should not be too small.
One of the most important requirements is that Terra Verde demonstrably uses its resources sparingly. This applies in particular to expenditure on advertising and administration. On average, we use no more than 12 percent for this purpose. In the annual reports the cost structure is listed in detail.
Without donations Terra Verde could not provide any assistance. Donations enable us to help unbureaucratically and flexibly where our help is acutely needed. In order to be supported with public money, specially contributed funds are a prerequisite. In order to receive state support as a private sponsor, every aid organisation first needs its own resources, which usually consist of donations.
In practice, this means: 100 euros of donations are turned into 400 euros with government subsidies, for concretely planned and tested projects in Burkina Faso
Our annual report informs with facts and figures how and where we were able to help thanks to your donation.
If you donate online, you will automatically receive an e-mail confirming your donation after using our donation form. For monetary donations or membership fees of up to 100,- EUR, the payment receipt or account statement is considered a donation receipt. In case of a higher donation you will automatically receive a donation confirmation by mail. In this case, please make sure to include your full address in the bank transfer.
The bank details are as follows:
Terra-Verde e.V.
Bank : Kreissparkasse Esslingen
Account : 100 4711 51
BLZ : 611 500 20
IBAN : EN88 6115 0020 0100 4711 51
Intended use: ‘Burkina Faso
Please enter your name and address so that we can keep in touch with you and send you a donation receipt. Note: Some financial institutions charge additional fees for paper transfers. Online bank transfers are free of charge. You can support us here quickly and securely with an online donation.
The easiest and most efficient way is if your donation is made without a specific purpose. In this way, we can provide assistance wherever it is currently needed with minimal administrative effort. If you would like to use this form of general donation, please mark your online donation or bank transfer with the password “donation”.
In order to avoid costs, the German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI), among others, also recommends “free” donations as opposed to earmarked donations. If a particular type of our work is particularly important to you, you can support a project in a targeted manner. You can use our projects in the donation shop or in the project overviewt. Otherwise you can provide your donation with another password, like:
– Nutrition
– Education
– Peace
– Climate and environment
Considerable donations in kind support our work, but not every donation in kind is suitable for transport or on-site use. IDD Burkina Faso employees buy a lot of equipment locally, thus securing jobs and supporting the regional economy.
The use of your data is regulated by strict data protection laws in Germany. Your data will not be passed on to third parties. You can find further information on the security of your data in our data protection declaration.
In addition, your personal data in the contact and donation form is securely transmitted by the worldwide accepted SSL key (marked “https://” in your browser) – unauthorized third parties are thus prevented from reading the transmitted data.
We do not spend a single cent on classic forms of advertising such as posters or advertisements. However, we are supported by providing banners as online advertising media for unpaid use and by taking advantage of free media offers from companies in the advertising industry. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you very much, because if nobody finds out about our work, we have little chance of achieving great things.
Apart from that, we invest in our web presence and public relations work to make ourselves heard at lectures and in radio broadcasts.
Constant dripping wears the stone is not our approach, because hunger always knows only one stomach. We collect the drops of the rainy season and create sustainable results, to which the farmers contribute a high personal contribution and a lot of personal responsibility. The efficiency and impact of our work increases with every field that is extracted from wasteland.
But we also know that without the start of the initial German development aid project PATECORE more than 30 years ago, no network would have been created that grows day by day and passes on knowledge. We are convinced of the effectiveness of our solution and see a huge potential for the entire Sahel zone – a vision that demands our full commitment and is gaining more and more solidarity internationally among advocates and comrades-in-arms – including you?
You can change your details independently in your user account or you can inform us of your changes using our online form. Thanks a lot! Of course you can also contact us directly.
You can cancel at any time by e-mail, telephone or post. This applies to all forms of your ongoing commitment such as your sustaining membership, permanent donation cancellation. Please always include your address so that we can be sure to identify you. Please let us know why you no longer wish to support our work.